I had the most awful moment of awkward silence a few months back, a woman whom I had been speaking to and counselling about her career and job – just blurted – “I was raped…”
This is a 23 year old woman who has been struggling to hold down 1 job and juggle a possible degree! She has always had this haunted and almost vacant look about her – which I could never explain!
The discussion that day was me scolding her for not taking her life seriously – and I was actually reprimanding her – when she had been bunking her evening classes….
And she said the “R” word – and that lead me to the discovery that I lacked the vocabulary to speak to her!
So WHAT should you say/not say or do/not do when someone close to you or someone comes up and says “I was raped….”

A woman in PAIN! Continue reading What do YOU say to someone who has been raped….