Iti was a lovely and extremely spoilt girl of 15.
She was part of the “I’m a babe” gang at school. And her favourite pastime was to flirt with all the boys and torment all “ugly chicks” (as she called them).
Let us not forget her designer shoes and clothes and the swanky car which dropped her to school everyday.

Ruhi was new at school – and hence was the “prime target”. Iti never missed a chance to “spoil her life”.
She glued her skirt to the chair (tearing it in two, showing her bloomers). She cut her long plat in a zig zag manner – so Ruhi had to literally have a bob-cut to even out the cuts. She ensured that Ruhi got caught talking during the exams…
The list was seemingly endless.
The final straw was Ruhi’s picture kissing Abhi were pasted all over school (the doings of a “I have an Iti Crush” geek gang morphing the pics)
That day Ruhi went home quiet, she didn’t give in to her usual screams and shouts and tears.
She was quiet.
Iti ran after Ruhi – taunting her. She got no response!
Ruhi sat at the edge of the 11th floor roof looking down.
“Will you jump?”
It was Iti.
Ruhi couldn’t believe it! How dare she come here – she turned and rushed at Iti and slapped her.
(and then there was silence)
An hour later Iti simply said, “Its better to have someone at school torment you – than enter your bed at night…”
Another hour passed…. silence….
Iti got up “You know we have 15 floors, if you want – you can come over! But I figure that since I haven’t as yet….
You won’t either…
Oh and before you sympathize (bitch) – I LACK nothing (and she winked)”…. leaving
Are you aware that a Government of India report states that 53% of all kids interviewed across 13 states (125000 children) have been sexually abused?
Are you aware that NO children know what sexual abuse means – till they are actually abused themselves?
Think behind each wall of opulence and each bully in school/college there maybe a little girl/boy who has been abused.
If you encounter an Iti – help her!