That Boy loved “SUGAR”

Rohaan was all of 25 and being forced into a marriage (he didn’t want) by his “khaandaan”.

The girl came from a rich-well-to do family, was apparently “pretty” and had gone to a convent school and would “bring a fat dowry” – BUT hush hush 
don’t call it dowry always followed…

Oh how he Abhorred that word – DOWRY!

But then Dadi and Ma went onto count out the amount that had been spent on him and his education at Harward. And those people were just giving “gifts” worthy of their family…. they were NOT taking DOWRY!

Sigh – how he wished he could simply tell them to “bugger off”! He loved both women like mad – BUT they made him MAD! Mad at them, and mad at the world…

Rohaan – The Boy Who Loved “Sugar”

5 days later the Khaandaan talk was still on. Multiple visits and 100s of hushed calls – 3 quick “sightings” of the to-be couple and loads of “merger-talks”…

Rohaan was tired!

He wanted to know somethings about “what was DOWRY? and what did it mean legally?”

He googled…

Armed with half a law degree – and loads of all other crap off google-baba, Rohaan set off on his Bullet to the nearest thaana…

He entered it (for the first time in his life) – felt a sense of triumph and a little guilt…

His reasons were there! But…

“He what…?” Veena turned and almost shrieked at the Hawaldaar.

“Madam, the boy wants to report his family and his to-be in-laws in a DOWRY case! I swear madam…” his voice trailed off…

Veena – had just finished 2 years of her service – and she thought she had seen everything!

And now this…

“So tell me again, what exactly do you wish to report, Sir?”

For the 3rd time that morning Rohaan started…

Veena kept looking at this young man incredulously!

Was he real? Did he have no idea what he was doing?

And why would a Boy – in fact “the very Boy” – report this matter?

The insistent tring tring of the bell, got the whole Mehta – Khaandaan up and running…

“Who are Shanti Mehta, Devi Lal Mehta, Ashwini Mehta?”

A flabbergasted family stood before the cops (Mahila Thaana cops at that).

A hesitant “Why” was heard from no one in general…

“You all have to come the thaana with me right away…”

3 hours in the thaana – with the threat of media coverage – and full-on family drama right next to the lock up….

3 members of the Mehta family were in various states of distraught – and upset! While 2 members were consoling them…

A lawyer mysteriously appeared and sorted things out (though no one could quite remember how he appeared)

The night fell – and there was complete silence in the Mehta family…

No one had eaten.

Each looked at the other suspiciously wondering “WHO” had complained…. when Rohaan walked in…

“Hey there people….”

In the rush no one had realised that Rohaan had been away since morning, and in fact his greeting didn’t even register…

Its been 4 months since that day, Rohaan is still single.

Veena and Rohaan are “besties” who meet for coffee often.

And Veena still can’t believe how much sugar Rohaan has in his coffee…. “2 full sachets”…

He was and is : That Boy (who) loved “SUGAR”

Are you aware that DOWRY was made illegal in India in 1961 – 50 plus years and it is still the nation’s “worst kept secret”

Dowry deaths, harassment, beatings, suicide – the list just goes on and on. And to corroborate all you have to do is goto the nearest Thaana…and ask about the monthly reports…

What will it take for Dowry to Die?

The YOUTH – YOU and ME and ALL of us can actually KILL it….

What are little girls made of?

Of Sugar and Spice and all thats Nice….

Introducing Part 1 of “That Boy loved….”

Watch this space for Part 2


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