No Cosmetic Solutions (Anymore)…

अगर मुझे भूख लगी है और आप मुझे खाने की फोटो दिखाते हैं – और आपको ऐसा प्रतीत होने लगते है की मेरी भूख मर जायेगी – तो ये आपके सपनों की दुनिया है l
मेरी भूख सिर्फ खाने से ही मिटेगी ll

अगर मुझे दर्द होता है और आप मुझे अस्पताल बाहर से घुमा लाते हैं – और आप सोचते हैं की मेरा दर्द ख़तम हो जाएगा – तो ये आपके तो ये आपके सपनों की दुनिया है l
मेरा दर्द सिर्फ इलाज से जाएगा ll

अगर मुझे कमाने की लालसा है – और आप मुझे सही ढंग की स्किलिंग नहीं करवाते हैं और बड़ी बातों से सोचते हैं की मुझे नौकरी दिलाएंगे या उद्यमी बना देंगे – तो ये आपके तो ये आपके सपनों की दुनिया है l
मेरी कमाने की इच्छा तभी पूरी होगी जब – मुझे सही तरह की कौन्सेल्लिंग एवं ट्रेनिंग मिलेगी ll

Wake up from your reverie and dreams – I need solutions.

And NOT cosmetic solutions – ONLY real on the ground workable and sustainable solutions.

A Normal Indian

19 hacks to Writing a Decent JD, to get the RIGHT Candidate

Dear HR and Recruitment Folks,

Have you struggled with getting the right candidate for the role?

Have you been cribbing with the variety of people applying?

Stop and think – what exactly did you put up in the Job Descriptions…

19 Super quick HACKs which can actually get you the RIGHT and better filtered candidate…

Continue reading 19 hacks to Writing a Decent JD, to get the RIGHT Candidate

WHAT is it….? (Entrepreneurship / Start Up)

I have had a few very shocking revelations across the last 2 months – a period where I have not posted too much here…. but have been spending time “meeting young people”….

Young People = Girls and Boys around the age of 18 to 22 – (Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Bokaro, Dhanbad, New Delhi, Gurgaon, Varanasi) 

They have QUESTIONS – which they have not been voicing… 

Some Pertinent, Some Relevant, Some complete Rubbish… but they have not been ASKING…

Continue reading WHAT is it….? (Entrepreneurship / Start Up)

The HRM Unicorn – will Start-Ups catch it?

Human Resource Management – HRM is the management of People Resources to maximize their performance keeping in view the overall strategy of the company.

It is a subject of study world over and given due importance in ALL middle to large companies – with specialists being hired for doing this role. Many companies outsource this function to HRM specialists as consultants.

But Start-Ups in India do not see this function as an essential part of their business. It’s like a Unicorn! Something which is needed only by large corporations.

In my interaction and working with Start Ups over the last 4 years these are the 5 absolute best reasons I have heard for “not catching the HRM Unicorn”:

The HRM Unicorn

Continue reading The HRM Unicorn – will Start-Ups catch it?

Kul ka Deepak

I met the true meaning of “Kul ka Deepak” in person at Baridih – he is an amazing 23 yr old boy – who barely got 60% in his Matric exams – from Chandil (near Jamshedpur) and then saw an “end of the road” in his life with no money to support an education and not enough marks to get a scholarship…

BUT the Gods saw in him – a promise to build the lives of many many more like him (remember 78% of the entire Indian Population is defined as “Bottom of the Pyramid”)

And the Science in his SOUL won! It won the battle of marks and money – and got him to be an amazing “Grassroot Innovator”

Deepak ka Speaker

Continue reading Kul ka Deepak

Right Skilling in the RURAL Segment – need of the Hour…

Almost 80% of India resides in its villages and a very large portion of that very population is suffering from mass scale “under-employment” or “under-utilization”. Where men and women are doing the same amount of work which should have been done by 1/10th of their actual numbers. Ie…. 10 people are doing what should have been done by 1 person!

Right Skilling in the RURAL Segment is the need of the Hour…

Almost 80% of India resides in Villages!

We traditionally discuss agriculture in villages and agriculture products – so WHY don’t we ideate into some NEW segments?

Continue reading Right Skilling in the RURAL Segment – need of the Hour…

Starting up at 15…or less!

Starting up at an age when we are bogged down by pimpley horrors and love-shuv snags is something which may be daunting for the teens themselves, so also their parents.

But in the Start-Up space AGE is JUST a NUMBER!

Lets do a quick round up of 15 non-techie ideas which you as a teen can implement… and just “Start Up”!

Teenage – an age of confusion?

Continue reading Starting up at 15…or less!

Making Elderly Entrepreneurs

The world around us speaks of youth and how the youth need to become self reliant and self dependent and the culmination of such discussions leads to skilled jobs or entrepreneurship. We at the Butterfly Project today are laying the seed for making “Elderly Entrepreneurs”. (

                                                   Creating Elderly Entrepreneurs

Continue reading Making Elderly Entrepreneurs

“Women in the field of Entrepreneurship”

Gender and Women – in the field of Entrepreneurship – This was my topic at the 8th Jan #TheNextBigThing event at #Ranchi.
A first for me – discussing gender issues in a space where I normally address people on Social Entrepreneurship.
Gender is like an elephant in the room. We don’t talk about it in the open. We wish to “appear” to be gender agnostic – but we aren’t.

                               Speaking about Gender issues in Entrepreneurship

Continue reading “Women in the field of Entrepreneurship”

Your 1st Novel is a Start Up

A lot of people have expressed their desire to write – but their inability to actually start writing. They have cited reasons ranging from “I don’t get the time” to “I don’t know how to start”.

novel, writing, start up
                                                                Writing your 1st Novel

Continue reading Your 1st Novel is a Start Up