No Cosmetic Solutions (Anymore)…

अगर मुझे भूख लगी है और आप मुझे खाने की फोटो दिखाते हैं – और आपको ऐसा प्रतीत होने लगते है की मेरी भूख मर जायेगी – तो ये आपके सपनों की दुनिया है l
मेरी भूख सिर्फ खाने से ही मिटेगी ll

अगर मुझे दर्द होता है और आप मुझे अस्पताल बाहर से घुमा लाते हैं – और आप सोचते हैं की मेरा दर्द ख़तम हो जाएगा – तो ये आपके तो ये आपके सपनों की दुनिया है l
मेरा दर्द सिर्फ इलाज से जाएगा ll

अगर मुझे कमाने की लालसा है – और आप मुझे सही ढंग की स्किलिंग नहीं करवाते हैं और बड़ी बातों से सोचते हैं की मुझे नौकरी दिलाएंगे या उद्यमी बना देंगे – तो ये आपके तो ये आपके सपनों की दुनिया है l
मेरी कमाने की इच्छा तभी पूरी होगी जब – मुझे सही तरह की कौन्सेल्लिंग एवं ट्रेनिंग मिलेगी ll

Wake up from your reverie and dreams – I need solutions.

And NOT cosmetic solutions – ONLY real on the ground workable and sustainable solutions.

A Normal Indian

The HRM Unicorn – will Start-Ups catch it?

Human Resource Management – HRM is the management of People Resources to maximize their performance keeping in view the overall strategy of the company.

It is a subject of study world over and given due importance in ALL middle to large companies – with specialists being hired for doing this role. Many companies outsource this function to HRM specialists as consultants.

But Start-Ups in India do not see this function as an essential part of their business. It’s like a Unicorn! Something which is needed only by large corporations.

In my interaction and working with Start Ups over the last 4 years these are the 5 absolute best reasons I have heard for “not catching the HRM Unicorn”:

The HRM Unicorn

Continue reading The HRM Unicorn – will Start-Ups catch it?

Kul ka Deepak

I met the true meaning of “Kul ka Deepak” in person at Baridih – he is an amazing 23 yr old boy – who barely got 60% in his Matric exams – from Chandil (near Jamshedpur) and then saw an “end of the road” in his life with no money to support an education and not enough marks to get a scholarship…

BUT the Gods saw in him – a promise to build the lives of many many more like him (remember 78% of the entire Indian Population is defined as “Bottom of the Pyramid”)

And the Science in his SOUL won! It won the battle of marks and money – and got him to be an amazing “Grassroot Innovator”

Deepak ka Speaker

Continue reading Kul ka Deepak

Right Skilling in the RURAL Segment – need of the Hour…

Almost 80% of India resides in its villages and a very large portion of that very population is suffering from mass scale “under-employment” or “under-utilization”. Where men and women are doing the same amount of work which should have been done by 1/10th of their actual numbers. Ie…. 10 people are doing what should have been done by 1 person!

Right Skilling in the RURAL Segment is the need of the Hour…

Almost 80% of India resides in Villages!

We traditionally discuss agriculture in villages and agriculture products – so WHY don’t we ideate into some NEW segments?

Continue reading Right Skilling in the RURAL Segment – need of the Hour…

Starting up at 15…or less!

Starting up at an age when we are bogged down by pimpley horrors and love-shuv snags is something which may be daunting for the teens themselves, so also their parents.

But in the Start-Up space AGE is JUST a NUMBER!

Lets do a quick round up of 15 non-techie ideas which you as a teen can implement… and just “Start Up”!

Teenage – an age of confusion?

Continue reading Starting up at 15…or less!