Radha Teri Chunari

Radha – lay quietly weeping on the floor, she had physically curled up like a fetus!

Her hair was a mess, her bangles broken, her clothes ripped, her face battered and bruised, her hands scratched…

Next morning she was woken up by a sound on the door – and she rushed to open it – to realize that she didn’t even have proper clothes on (hers were torn).

A woman and her MIL came in – and sniggered – “Looks like they had fun…”


FUN : This word echoed in Radha’s mind. How the F*** have fun when someone is beating you, cussing at you, tearing your clothes off, scratching you, forcibly entering you…

FUN : and all the while you are screaming and shouting and struggling for him to stop…

FUN : and slowly it becomes a 3rd body realization where you feel yourself have an out of body experience – where you realize that a man is RAPING a woman…

FUN : oh wait… the woman is Radha and the man is the Bas**** she married!

Wasn’t Radha supposed to get her Shyam – why did she get a Ravana? Radha wondered…

3 days later – at her “home” – or her old home she shared her experiences with her mother – and begged her to help her…

3 days she had had enough!

3 days and 2 nights of RAPE…

Her mother slapped her tight at the usage of the R – word – “How can you even speak of damaad ji like that? Is this what I taught you?”

She got up quietly ” Ma, you didn’t even teach me to get RAPED properly…”

Radha was a brave girl who put up with this violation of her body and soul for 4 months – when she decided to put an end to her own life!

And she FAILED at that…

OMG – could she do nothing right? Well, so much for stupid blades! It was easier on TV…

1 year later – Radha is working for an NGO and fighting for women’s rights and giving shelter to battered and Raped women.

She specifically counsels women who have faced RAPE in their marital beds and homes!

She is also awaiting judgement in her own divorce matter!

Rape is physical domination and violation of a woman’s soul! YES her soul…

The body heals – and repairs itself! It is the soul which is scarred…!

And imagine this scar being given to you by the man you married!

YES – its a horrifying reality in India – marital rape happens! And to make things worse for the woman – it is “protected against” and almost condoned because as a woman who has faced marital rape – you CANNOT seek out the police or goto court…

Marital Rape isn’t even recognized as a criminal offence in INDIA! 

It is accepted and condoned by most. A woman is expected to lay herself for the “usage” of her spouse.

Not low and behold the spouse is “rough” – then she is expected to bear it… and live with it. After all “this is nothing new” and happens to everyone…

Do you know you have your own political leaders who say that its due to “our culture” we cannot criminalize Marital Rape…?

Oh and before you looked shocked – remember YOU and me elected them!!!!

Since they “represent you” – should they not reflect what you believe in…

NOW my question is to YOU…

DO you believe in criminalizing Marital Rape?

If YES – please JOIN in my endeavor in spreading “awareness” about the “FACT that the right to a woman’s body lies with her” and is NOT passed onto her spouse after marriage…

If YES – please JOIN me in standing up for each Radha you encounter….

For each candle march against a RAPE of a woman… please plan a candle march against Marital RAPE…

(before we get all high and mighty about becoming a 1st world country and the NEXT super power – NOTE that all states in the US of A recognize and punish Marital Rape! This tit bit is meant for all those Aunties and Uncles enamored by “Amreeka”)

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