Misogyny is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. But seeing through the misogynistic glass: discussions online and offline with many women and some men leads me to some rather startling facts:
- Misogynists are NOT even aware that they “dislike or hold women in contempt” (have spent almost 3 days in futile arguments).They firstly do NOT know what misogyny is – and secondly when you explain to them, they fail to recognize the relevance to their behaviour or misogynistic actions!
- Misogynists are certain that they are doing things or saying things ‘for the good of women’ . Well – who made them judge and jury, you ask? They themselves! They think what they are saying is for the “betterment” of the woman-folk’s standing in society!
- Misogynists often dislike sexist jokes – but read them – and firmly believe that women “like that” (ie a fast type) – are the reason these jokes are cracked (at this point for me, my imaginary hair tearing starts – of sheer frustration. How can this even be justified?)
- Calling a woman a prostitute or a whore or something equally vile is their ultimate form of lowly being name calling – misogyny…argh!!! And the ultimate is… Insulting a “normal / good woman” – with such words are their surest way to get them to get people to react…
- Oh and before I forget – the term presstitutes finds its origin from the word prostitutes – and connote immoral press people who ‘sell themselves’ like prostitutes. I hope you by reading this itself can understand the misogyny here!!! Who makes misogynists moral police? And who ascertains on the purity or non-purity of a woman?
- … I don’t want to write anymore 🙁
#misogyny #genderBias #StopViolenceAgainstWomen