I have been wondering WHY our Top Court observed (SPECULATE) on possible riots which “could have been ” caused by the demonetization effort.
As a normal Indian, I am wondering why the Top Court didn’t observe or act on the following:
- Slam the TN HC judge for asking a rape victim to marry her rapist
Criminalize marital rape. The courts have chosen NOT to react or observe on this matter. And all the while our elected leaders have veered from marital rape is impossible to marriage is sacred!!!

- Strike off article 377 – and finally give LGBT community their rights as independent citizens with a right to live with their choices of gender and sexual orientation.
- Allow a murderer and rapist a life sentence instead of the death row, stating that “he didn’t mean to kill” …. stumped about this one completely.
- Ensure that child rapists are deemed paedophiles and shut away forever. What can be worse than this?
- Take note of public personalities when they make statements like “boys will be boys”… when 2 girls are raped and hung from a tree. Or when a public personality immediately drubs a rape victim as a prostitute…. so prostitutes cannot be raped is it??
Now why do I ask this… as a Normal Indian I ask this as a speculated observations not backed with actual happenings vs actual horrific happenings….
Any day the actual happenings win!!!
Please take note and observe and pass laws…. we in India need it! We need you to empower us!
There is so much to be done – there is so much to be changed…